

I think most women love the idea of always having something new in their closet to wear.   However, that’s not always realistic and it can get rather expensive…until now.   There’s a great new online store called LeTote.   The beauty of LeTote is that for around $50 per month, you get five pieces of clothing, jewelry, or accessories at a time delivered to your door.   Once you are finished wearing the items, you just send them all back in a postage paid bag delivered with your package.   Once LeTote is alerted by the US Postal service that your package is headed back to them, they send you a message asking you to personalize your next box.   It’s super flexible.   You can keep the pieces as long as you want, purchase the things you want to keep, or send it all back for a new box of stuff as many times as you want.   I really like this concept because for a minimal investment, you can keep your wardrobe fresh and always have the option of having something new to wear.

— Guest Blogger, Sandy



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